Results for 'Ideen H. Schells'

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  1. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Reihe I : Werke 4.F. Schelling, H. Baumgartner, H. Krings, W. Jacobs, W. Schieche & H. Buchner - 1989 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 51 (2):349-349.
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  2. Briefwechsel 1786-1799, Historisch-kritische Ausgabe Reihe III: Briefe, Bd. 1.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Irmgard Möller, Walter Schieche, F. Schelling, H. Baumgartner & W. Jacobs - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):169-169.
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  3. Erster Entwurf eines Systems der Naturphilosophie.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Paul Zlche, H. Baumgartner, W. Jacobs & J. Jantzen - 2002 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (2):382-383.
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  4. Historisch-kritische Ausgabe. Werke, Bd. 5 : Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur.F. Schelling, Manfred Durner & Walter Schieche - 1996 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 58 (1):179-180.
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  5. Dokumente zur Schellingforschung IV. Schellings Verfügung über seinen literarischen Nachlass.H. Fuhrmans - 1959 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 51:14.
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  6. Schelling als Aristoteles-Interpret. Das Aristotelische ti èn einai als 'das-Seyende-Seyn'.H. Werdemann - 1979 - Theologie Und Philosophie 1 (1):20-37.
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    H. Schells Religionspsychologie und sein Trinitätsverständnis in psychologischer Sicht.Josef Hasenfuss - 1962 - Archive for the Psychology of Religion 7 (1):238-259.
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    Ideen zu einer Philosophie der Natur (1797).Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling, Hans Michael Baumgartner, Irmgard Möller, Walter Schieche & Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften - 1994 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Hermann Krings, Hermann Zeltner, Jörg Jantzen, Manfred Durner, Ives Radrizzani, Walter Schieche, Hartmut Buchner, Annemarie Pieper, Kai Torsten Kanz, Harald Korten, Paul Ziche, Patrick Leistner, Christoph Binkelmann, Christopher Arnold, Christian Danz, Michael Hackl & Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.
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    Historisch-kritische Ausgabe.Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling - 1976 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog. Edited by Hans Michael Baumgartner, Wilhelm G. Jacobs, Hermann Krings, Hermann Zeltner, Manfred Durner, Ives Radrizzani, Jörg Jantzen, Walter Schieche, Hartmut Buchner, Annemarie Pieper, Kai Torsten Kanz, Harald Korten, Paul Ziche, Patrick Leistner, Christoph Binkelmann, Christopher Arnold, Christian Danz, Michael Hackl & Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph von Schelling.
    Dieser Band bietet ausser einer kritischen Edition des Textes der Ideen, der ersten naturphilosophischen Schrift Schellings, auch eine Fulle erklarender Anmerkungen mit Nachweisen von Zitaten und Anspielungen sowie Erlauterungen zu nicht mehr gebrauchlichen Begriffen und Bezeichnungen. Ein editorischer Bericht schildert die Entstehungsgeschichte der Ideen. In addition to a critical edition of the text of the Ideas for a Philosophy of Nature, Schellings first work on the philosophy of nature, this volume also provides an abundence of explanatory annotations with (...)
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  10. Fuhrmans, H., Schellings letzte Philosophie. [REVIEW]E. Hartmann - 1941 - Philosophisches Jahrbuch 54:508-509.
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  11. Von der sinnlichen Darstellung der sittlichen Ideen.H. Burger - 1998 - Synthesis Philosophica 13 (1):197-208.
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  12. A need according to Schelling. 2.H. Braun - 1990 - Philosophische Rundschau 37 (4):298-326.
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  13. (1 other version)E. Benz, Schelling. Werden und Wirken seines Denkens. [REVIEW]H. Fuhrmans - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 48:101.
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  14. Herder, J. G., Ideen zur Kulturphilosophie. [REVIEW]H. Bauke - 1914 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 19:422.
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  15. Schelling and the Background of American Pragmatism:. [REVIEW]H. G. Callaway - 1996 - Arisbe, Peirce-Related Papers 1:1-12.
    The short cover-description of the present book tells that "Friedrich Wilhelm Joseph Schelling (1775-1854) was one of the formative philosophers of German idealism, whose great service was in the areas of the philosophy of nature, art, and religion." Those having some familiarity with Schelling, and his influence on American philosophy, indirectly via Coleridge and Carlyle and more directly via Emerson and C. S. Peirce, will perhaps not be surprised to learn that German idealism itself looks somewhat different, understanding Schelling's differences (...)
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    The Gestation of German Biology: Philosophy and Physiology from Stahl to Schelling.John H. Zammito - 2017 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    This book explores how and when biology emerged as a science in Germany. Beginning with the debate about organism between Georg Ernst Stahl and Gottfried Leibniz at the start of the eighteenth century, John Zammito traces the development of a new research program, culminating in 1800, in the formulation of developmental morphology. He shows how over the course of the century, naturalists undertook to transform some domains of natural history into a distinct branch of natural philosophy, which attempted not only (...)
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  17. V.A. McCarthy, "Quest for a philosophical Jesus: Christianity and philosophy in Rousseau, Kant, Hegel, and Schelling".H. S. Harris - 1989 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 26 (1):62.
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  18. Ideen, Wissen und Wahrheit nach Platon. Neuere Monographien.Mischa von Perger & Michael H. G. Hoffmann - 1997 - Philosophische Rundschau 44:113–151.
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  19. (1 other version)K. Jaspers, Schelling. Grösse und Verhängnis. [REVIEW]H. Fuhrmans - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 48:565.
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  20. (1 other version)Philosophie der Subjektivität ? Zur Bestimmung des neuzeitlichen Philosophierens. Akten des 1. Kongresses der Internationalen Schelling-Gesellschaft 1989, 2 Bände. [REVIEW]H. Baumgartner & W. Jacobs - 1994 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 56 (3):588-589.
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    Vom Selbstdenken: Aufklärung und Aufklärungskritik in Herders "Ideen zur Philosophie der Geschichte der Menschheit" : Beiträge zur Konferenz der International Herder Society, Weimar 2000.John H. Zammito & Regine Otto - 2001
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  22. Dokumente zur Schellingforschung Zu Schellings Spätphilosophie: Schellings Vorlesung vom W. S. 1827/28.H. Fuhrmans - 1955 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 47:273.
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  23. (1 other version)A. Hollerbach, Der Rechtsgedanke bei Schelling. [REVIEW]H. Fuhrmans - 1958 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 50:125.
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    Husserl and the Mind-Brain Relation.H. Tristram Engelhardt - 1977 - In Don Ihde & Richard M. Zaner, Interdisciplinary phenomenology. The Hague: M. Nijhoff. pp. 51--70.
    The mind-body relation or, more particularly, the mind-brain relation 1 has been a perennial puzzle for philosophers—how can things so different be intimately related? Husserl dealt with the mind-brain relation in Section 63 of Ideen II, “Psychophysischer Parallelismus and Wechselwirkung,” 2 where he gave a critique of psychophysical parallelism. For Husserl, the mind-brain relation is to be understood not as a material or metaphysical relation, but as a relation between the presented sense or significance of two varieties of appearances. (...)
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  25. (1 other version)W. Schulz, Die Vollendung des deutschen Idealismus in der Spätphilosophie Schellings. [REVIEW]H. Fuhrmans - 1956 - Société Française de Philosophie, Bulletin 48:94.
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  26. G. W. F. Hegel: Premières publications. Différence des systèmes de Fichte et de Schelling; Foi et savoir. Traduction, introduction et notes par Marcel Méry. [REVIEW]H. Guggenheimer - 1953 - Studia Philosophica 13:219.
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    Postscript.H. S. Harris - 1987 - Dialogue 26 (4):665-.
    The first part of this essay was read at a Symposium on “Hegel and Schelling” at the Conference of the Canadian Philosophical Association at the University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba in June 1985. The text was then discussed as a whole by George di Giovanni and Michael Vater. Since their commentaries are here published with it, I have allowed the mistakes which they identified to remain clearly visible. The few revisions of substance that I have made are clearly indicated in (...)
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    Original First Page of Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures.Edna H. Hong - 1992 - In Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong, Kierkegaard's Writings, Ii: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures. Princeton University Press. pp. 420-422.
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    The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy: An English Translation of G. W. F. Hegel’s Differenz des Fichte’Schen Und Schelling’Schen Systems der Philosophie.Walter Cerf & H. S. Harris (eds.) - 1988 - State University of New York Press.
    _In this essay, Hegel attempted to show how Fichte’s Science of Knowledge was an advance from the position of Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason, and how Schelling had made a further advance from the position of Fichte._.
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    (1 other version)Hegel: Faith and Knowledge: An English Translation of G. W. F. Hegel's Glauben Und Wissen.H. S. Harris & Walter Cerf (eds.) - 1977 - State University of New York Press.
    As the title indicates, Faith and Knowledge deals with the relation between religious faith and cognitive beliefs, between the truth of religion and the truths of philosophy and science. Hegel is guided by his understanding of the historical situation: the individual alienated from God, nature, and community; and he is influenced by the new philosophy of Schelling, the Spinozistic Philosophy of Identity with its superb vision of the inner unity of God, nature, and rational man. Through a brilliant discussion of (...)
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    Hölderlin's music of poetic self-consciousness.James H. Donelan - 2002 - Philosophy and Literature 26 (1):125-142.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 26.1 (2002) 125-142 [Access article in PDF] Hölderlin's Poetic Self-consciousness James H. Donelan Nur ihren Gesang sollt' ich vergessen, nur diese Seelentöne sollten nimmer wiederkehren in meinen unaufhörlichen Träumen. I should forget only her song, only these notes of the soul should never return in my unending dreams. Hölderlin, Hyperion I FOR MANY YEARS, Friedrich Hölderlin has occupied a crucial position in both literary and philosophical (...)
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    Addendum. Notes of Schelling's Berlin lectures.Edna H. Hong - 1992 - In Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong, Kierkegaard's Writings, Ii: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures. Princeton University Press. pp. 331-412.
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  33. The Difference between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy.G. W. F. Hegel, H. S. Harris & Walter Cerf - 1977. - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 11 (2):138-138.
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    The Difference Between Fichte's and Schelling's System of Philosophy: An English Translation of G. W. F. Hegel’s Differenz des Fichte’Schen Und Schelling’Schen Systems der Philosophie.Walter Cerf & H. S. Harris (eds.) - 1977 - State University of New York Press.
    _In this essay, Hegel attempted to show how Fichte’s Science of Knowledge was an advance from the position of Kant in the Critique of Pure Reason, and how Schelling had made a further advance from the position of Fichte._.
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    The role of genes in life.H. Kalmus - 1959 - Acta Biotheoretica 13 (2-3):107-114.
    Cette étude critique deux notions très répandues: 1° que les genes chromosomes forment les unités fondamentales du mécanisme biologique: 2° que les organismes sont des conséquences d'ensembles de genes ‘libres’.Il est suggéré que 3° l'information codée dans les chromosomes est plutôt comparable aux indications données par un livret d'instructions et que 4° des actions fondamentales des cellules ont pu précéder les instructions qui les concernent de même façon que les techniques humaines ont précédé des textes qui les analysent.Cette analogie est (...)
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  36. Natur und Subjektivität. Zur Auseinandersetzung mit der Naturphilosophie des jungen Schelling. Referate, Voten und Protokolle der II. Internationalen Schelling-Tagung Zürich 1983. [REVIEW]R. Heckmann, H. Krings & R. W. Meyer - 1986 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 48 (2):329-329.
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  37. Kierkegaard's Writings, Ii: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures.Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong (eds.) - 1992 - Princeton University Press.
    A work that "not only treats of irony but is irony," wrote a contemporary reviewer of The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates. Presented here with Kierkegaard's notes of the celebrated Berlin lectures on "positive philosophy" by F.W.J. Schelling, the book is a seedbed of Kierkegaard's subsequent work, both stylistically and thematically. Part One concentrates on Socrates, the master ironist, as interpreted by Xenophon, Plato, and Aristophanes, with a word on Hegel and Hegelian categories. Part Two is a (...)
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    Hegel in Berichten seiner Zeitgenossen. [REVIEW]B. H. - 1971 - Review of Metaphysics 24 (4):762-763.
    This volume starts where the four-volume work by Johannes Hoffmeister, Briefe von und an Hegel, left off. It consists of excerpts from letters, diaries, memoirs, newspaper and journal articles, etc., much of which has never been published before. What emerges is a conflicting picture of Hegel, the man--from which the reader can take his choice. The comments are from contemporaries: relatives, friends, acquaintances, students, colleagues, admirers, critics, and last, but not least, enemies. The chapters are organized chronologically by city of (...)
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  39. The Search for Being: Essays from Kierkegaard to Sartre on the Problem of Existence. [REVIEW]H. C. W. - 1963 - Review of Metaphysics 16 (4):810-810.
    The scope and length of this anthology make it one of the best recent introductions to Continental thought for the English-speaking reader. Despite the editor's efforts to compass a century and a half of European thought under the somewhat inflated title of a "search for being," each of the fourteen contributors is allowed enough space to show that no single problem or quest concretely typifies European philosophical activity in our time. If one overlooks the dramatic cutting and pasting required by (...)
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    Die Philosophie Karl Leonhard Reinholds.Martin Bondeli & Wolfgang H. Schrader (eds.) - 2003 - Rodopi.
    Die Philosophie Karl Leonhard Reinholds (1757-1823) findet heute vermehrt Beachtung. Während dieser Denker lange Zeit als Popularisator Kants, als Vorläufer Fichtes oder als tatsachenphilosophischer Antipode Schellings und Hegels wahrgenommen wurde und gemeinhin im Ruf eines unsteten und unselbständigen Geistes stand, ist seit einigen Jahrzehnten eine Gegentendenz feststellbar: Reinholds Denkentfaltung wird zunehmend in ihrem gesamten Umfang sowie als eigenwilliger und innovativer Ansatz innerhalb der postkantischen Systemphilosophie zur Kenntnis genommen. Mehr und mehr wird anerkannt, dass Reinhold entscheidende Anstöße zur Entstehung des deutschen (...)
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    Pragmaticism or Objective Idealism? [REVIEW]H. S. Harris - 1992 - Idealistic Studies 22 (3):256-258.
    Peirce thought of himself as an “objective idealist;” and in 1892 he called his philosophy a “Schelling-fashioned idealism.” But this claim of his is one of several fundamental assertions that he made about his work which has not been well or widely understood. The prevailing attitude of the Pragmatists as a school, toward speculative idealism, was set by Dewey, for whom pragmatism was an escape route. So, although Peirce’s position in the great medieval battle about the reality of universals has (...)
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    Freiheit leben.Hermann H. Sallinger - 1977 - Konstanz: Druckerei und Verl.-Anst. Konstanz.
    T. 1. Zusammenhänge, Ideen, Erkenntnisse.
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    German Aesthetic and Literary Crtiticism, Vol. 1: Winckelmann, Lessing, Hamann, Herder, Schiller and GoetheGerman Aesthetic and Literary Crtiticism, Vol. 2: Kant, Fichte, Schelling, Schopenhauer, HegelGerman Aesthetic and Literary Crtiticism, Vol. 3: The Romantic Ironists and Goethe. [REVIEW]Herbert M. Schueller, H. B. Nisbet, David Simpson & Kathleen Wheeler - 1987 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 45 (3):301.
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    Bruno, or, On the Natural and the Divine Principle of Things. [REVIEW]H. S. Harris - 1986 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (1):71-74.
    The dialogue Bruno, which Schelling published in 1802, has always been recognized as one of the minor masterpieces of German Romantic literature. It cannot be ranked with Hölderlin’s Hyperion or with the Heinrich von Ofterdingen of Novalis; but it is one of the relatively few works by a major German philosopher that deserves the serious attention of general readers of European literature. Unlike Kant, Fichte, and Hegel, Schelling could write about the most abstruse philosophical issues in a way that was (...)
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    On the Mutations of the Concept: Phenomenology, Conceptual Change, and the Persistence of Hegel in Merleau-Ponty’s Thought.Stephen H. Watson - 2021 - In Cynthia D. Coe, The Palgrave Handbook of German Idealism and Phenomenology. Palgrave-Macmillan. pp. 481-507.
    This chapter will be devoted to the itinerary of classical German thought, and especially Hegel, in Merleau-Ponty’s thought. I begin by examining Merleau-Ponty’s initial use of Hegel’s systematic and metaphysicalmetaphysics ideas in phenomenological analyses of behavior and perception. Next, I examine Merleau-Ponty’s role in controversies regarding the existentialists’ interpretation and objections to Hegel’s system. I trace his attempts to surmount antinomiesantinomy between subjectivitysubjectivity and system that emerged in the existentialist’s anthropological reading of Hegel. Here Merleau-Ponty focused on linguistics and more (...)
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  46. Hegel’s Jena Logic and Metaphysics.H. S. Harris - 1987 - The Owl of Minerva 18 (2):209-218.
    The beginnings of Hegel’s interest in “logic” as a branch of philosophy are somewhat obscure. In a lecture of 1830 Schelling claimed that Hegel first began to attend to the subject only because “his friends at the University” suggested that it was a good topic for his lectures because it was being neglected. Schelling’s object by then was evidently to suggest that Hegel’s “logic” had always been a superficial pretense. But Hegel was alive to contradict him. So I think his (...)
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    Die Entwicklung der psychoanalytischen Theorie der Psyche.Thomas H. Ogden - 2024 - Psyche 78 (11):977-1007.
    Der Autor zeichnet die verschiedenen Auffassungen der Entstehung der Psyche in den Arbeiten von fünf psychoanalytischen Theoretikern nach, die er als zentral für die Entwicklung einer neuen und fruchtbaren Form des psychoanalytischen Denkens und der Psychoanalyse ansieht: Freud, Klein, Fairbairn, Winnicott und Bion. Die Konzeption des Selbst, die von jedem dieser Autoren vorgestellt wird, wandelt sich von der eines psychischen Apparats (bei Freud, Klein und Fairbairn) zu der eines Prozesses, der im Akt des Erlebens selbst angesiedelt ist (bei Winnicott und (...)
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    Critique et Dialectique. [REVIEW]H. S. Harris - 1983 - The Owl of Minerva 14 (4):1-2.
    This fairly massive volume, clearly written and admirably printed and presented, deals with just one major crisis in the development of Hegel’s thought. It begins with the two-year collaboration of Schelling and Hegel at Jena from the spring of 1801 till the spring of 1803; and it terminates with the text book that Hegel abandoned unfinished in the spring of 1805. In two important respects it does not adequately cover “Hegel’s itinerary at Jena”. First, it does not deal with the (...)
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    APPENDIX. Hegel's View of Socrates.Edna H. Hong - 1992 - In Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong, Kierkegaard's Writings, Ii: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures. Princeton University Press. pp. 219-238.
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    Collation of The Concept of Irony in the Danish Editions of Kierkegaard's Collected Works.Edna H. Hong - 1992 - In Howard V. Hong & Edna H. Hong, Kierkegaard's Writings, Ii: The Concept of Irony, with Continual Reference to Socrates/Notes of Schelling's Berlin Lectures. Princeton University Press. pp. 461-464.
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